A program is a course of study designed by faculty members to focus on a particular area of knowledge or a particular approach to an area. Each program establishes requirements for Moderation, course work, and Senior projects; each selects from the courses offered at the College those courses it considers required, recommended, and related to its particular focus. Every student is required to declare a major in a program by the end of his or her sophomore year in order to moderate from the Lower College to the Upper College and to become a candidate for the bachelor of arts degree.

Academic programs are grouped in the following six areas:

1. Division of the Arts

2. Division of Languages & Literature

3. Division of Natural Sciences & Math

4. Division of Social Studies

5. Interdivisional Programs

6. Multidisciplinary Studies

Programs initiated and designed by students to integrate material from different programs and Divisions.


African and African Diaspora Studies

ECON 170 African Americans in US ECON Prof. Forstater
HIST 306 Hidden Ideas Prof. Ewing
FREN 318 African Literature in French Prof. Emmanuel Dongala
LIT 246 African Women Writers Prof. Chinua Achebe
LIT 281 Slave Memories Prof. M. Frank
PSY 235 Multicultural Perspective- School Counseling Prof. Christie Achebe

of related interest

HIST 121 Multicultural History of the US Prof. Chun
HIST 212 Melting Pot..... Prof. Perlmann
HIST 232 American Urban History Prof. Armstead
LIT 381 Contemporary Imaginations of American Women Prof. M. Frank
REL 313 Primitive Art in Civilized Places Prof. Davis

American Studies

ANTH 111 Field Methods in Archaeology Prof. Lindner
ARTH 266 American Art post WWI Prof. Wolf
HIST 106 From Empire to Superpower Prof. Lytle
HIST 121 Multicultural History of the U.S. Prof. Chun
HIST 206 U.S. Labor History Prof. Armstead
HIST 212 Immigration and Ethnicity Prof. Perlmann
HIST 230 The Fabulous Fifties Prof. Lytle
HIST 232 American Urban History Prof. Armstead
HIST 302 Let's Go to the Tape Prof. Lytle
LIT 257 U.S. Literature I Prof. E. Frank
LIT 281 Slave Memories Prof. M. Frank
LIT 381 Contemp. American Women Prof. M. Frank
PS 112 Intro. to American Government Prof. Kahn
PS 262 Environment, Law and Culture Prof. Kahn
PS 312 Citizenship & Pol. Participation Prof. Kahn
SST 204 Asian American Experience Prof. Chun
SST 320 Negotiating Ethnic Identity Prof. Chun

Asian Studies

All courses listed under CHINESE and

ANTH 240 Buddhist Representations Prof. Klima
ARTH 293 East Meets West Prof. Karetzky
HIST 284 Women & Chinese Modernity Prof. Furth
REL 222 Japanese Religions Prof. Clough
REL 242 Contemp Buddhism-Sri Lanka Prof. Clough

Classical Studies

All courses listed under CLASSICS, LATIN, & GREEK and

HIST 217 Conflict and Exchange Prof. Orlin
HIST 285 Ancient Greece Prof. Orlin


ANTH 111 Field Methods in Archaeology Prof. Lindner
ECON 226 Urban & Regional Economics Prof. Feder
ECON 237 Public Sector Economics Prof. Feder
HIST 232 American Urban History Prof. Armstead
PS 262 Environment, Law and Culture Prof. Kahn

French Studies

All courses listed under FRENCH and

ARTH 245 18th Century French Painting Prof. Bertrand
ARTH 350 17th Century French Art Prof. Bertrand
HIST 124 Enlightenment - 18thC France Prof. Ewing
LIT 2116 The Literature of Private Life Prof. Van Zuylen
LIT 2118 Fictions of the Psyche Prof. Aciman
LIT 273 The Renaissance of the 12thC Prof. Sullivan
PHIL 253 Existential Ethics Prof. Berthold-Bond

of related interest

LIT 246 African Women Writers Prof. Achebe
LIT 264 The 19thC Continental Novel Prof. Rosenberg
PHIL 103 Introduction to Philosophy Prof. Hagberg

Gender Studies

ANTH 203 Anth. of Sex and Gender Prof. Dominy
ANTH 213 Anthropology and Medicine Prof. Brown
ANTH 234 Language, Culture, Society Prof. Dominy
HIST 206 U.S. Labor History Prof. Armstead
HIST 260 Lesbian and Gay History Prof. Fout
HIST 284 Women & Chinese Modernity Prof. Furth
HIST 306 Hidden Ideas Prof. Ewing
LIT/FILM 295 Film, Gender, and Culture Prof. Leonard
LIT 2116 The Literature of Private Life Prof. Van Zuylen
LIT 281 Slave Memories Prof. M. Frank
LIT 381 Contemp. American Women Prof. M. Frank
PHOT 215 Photography & Performance Prof. Dahlberg
PSY 341 Eating Disorders Prof. Gordon
REL 213 Sexuality and Spirituality Prof. Murray
SOC 211 The Family Prof. Vromen

of related interest - Gender Studies

ANTH 306 Anthropology and Literature Prof. Dominy
HIST 116 Nazi Germany Prof. Fout
PSY 219 Intergroup Relations Prof. Stewart
PSY 239 Social Influence Prof. Stewart
PSY 301 Stereotyping and Prejudice Prof. Stewart
SST 320 Negotiating Ethnic Identity Prof. Chun

German Studies

All courses listed under GERMAN and

HIST 116 Nazi Germany Prof. Fout
LIT 2881 Brecht and Schiller Prof. Grab
LIT 3108 Marx, Freud, Nietzsche Prof. Grab
PHIL 253 Existential Ethics Prof. Berthold-Bond
PHIL 371 The Philosophy of Kant Prof. Berthold-Bond
PHIL 375 Nietzsche Prof. Griffith

of related interest

LIT 264 The 19thC Continental Novel Prof. Rosenberg

History and Philosophy of Science

ANTH 203 Anth. of Sex and Gender Prof. Dominy
ANTH 213 Anthropology and Medicine Prof. Brown

Irish and Celtic Studies

LIT 266B British & Irish Lit 1830-1947 Prof. d'Albertis
LIT 3110 James Joyce's Ulysses Prof. Dewsnap

Italian Studies

All courses listed under ITALIAN and

ARTH 330 Artists, Patrons and Ideas Prof. French
LIT 2114 Renaissance in Italy/England Prof. Wilson

Jewish Studies

ANTH 210G American Diaspora Prof. Bick
HIST 217 Conflict and Exchange Prof. Orlin
REL 104 Intro to Judaism Profs. Katz & Neusner

Latin American and Iberian Studies

All courses listed under SPANISH and

HIST 206 U.S. Labor History Prof. Armstead
MUS WKSH Classical Guitar Seminar Prof. Garcia-Renart
PS 153 Politics of Latin American Dev. Prof. Encarnacion

Medieval Studies

ARTH 220 Early Medieval Art Prof. French
HIST 140 Land of the Golden Cockerel Prof. Shkliarevsky
LIT 2113 Medieval English Drama Prof. Lambert
LIT 250 English Literature I Prof. Leonard
LIT 273 The Renaissance of the 12thC Prof. Sullivan
LIT 280 The Heroic Age Prof. Lambert


ARTH 293 East Meets West Prof. Karetzky
HIST 121 Multicultural History of the U.S. Prof. Chun
HIST 206 U.S. Labor History Prof. Armstead
HIST 212 Immigration and Ethnicity Prof. Perlmann
HIST 306 Hidden Ideas Prof. Ewing
LIT 246 African Women Writers Prof. Achebe
LIT 281 Slave Memories Prof. M. Frank
LIT 381 Contemp. American Women Prof. M. Frank
MUS 211 Jazz in Literature I Prof. Barker
PS 262 Environment, Law and Culture Prof. Kahn
PSY 219 Intergroup Relations Prof. Stewart
PSY 233 Exploring Boundaries of Self Prof. Achebe
PSY 235 Multicult. School Counseling Prof. Achebe
PSY 301 Stereotyping and Prejudice Prof. Stewart
SST 204 Asian American Experience Prof. Chun
SST 320 Negotiating Ethnic Identity Prof. Chun

Russian and Eurasian Studies

All courses listed under Russian

HIST 140 Land of the Golden Cockerel Prof. Shkliarevsky
HIST 279 The Other Europe Prof. Shkliarevsky
HIST 350 Twnetieth Century Russia Prof. Shkliarevsky
LIT I D Anna Karenina Prof. E. Frank
LIT I E The Russian Fantastic Prof. Watton
LIT 2117 Russian Laughter Prof. Kostalevsky

of related interest

LIT 264 The 19thC Continental Novel Prof. Rosenberg

Victorian Studies

LIT 266B British & Irish Lit 1830-1947 Prof. d'Albertis
PHOT 215 Photography & Performance Prof. Dahlberg
PHOT 320 Literature & Photography Prof. Dahlberg