All Studio Art Courses meet in the

Richard B. and Emily H. Fisher Studio Arts Building


Admission to art classes at all levels will be by interview (preferably with portfolio) with the instructor prior to registration. This applies unconditionally to Studio classes, which are limited to moderated students, except where recommended by the student's advisor in connection with the instructor.

In the case of Foundation and Basic courses, places will be held open for students without prior interview, at the discretion of the individual instructor. Any prospective art major who fails to get a place in a Foundation Class in the fall will be assured of a place in the spring provided the instructor is contacted before Registration for the spring.

A majority of places in Foundation will be reserved for incoming first-year intended art majors. Interviews are advised to be sure of a place, but portfolios are not necessary for non-majors. Instructors will be available for interviews during office hours two weeks prior to registration and during the morning of registration day (May 6th).