LAT 106 Foundational Intensive Latin Experience

Professor: C. Callanan/C. Hahnemann

CRN: 92450

Distribution: D

Time: M W F 10:30 am - 12:30 pm OLIN 302
Tu Th 11:40 am - 12:40 pm OLIN 302

8 credits. In this team-taught course, students with little or no prior knowledge of Latin will learn both to read Latin and to use the language actively. Latin will be spoken as much as possible in class (explanations will be given in English). Materials consist as soon and as far as possible of unchanged Latin texts (not artificial sentences), including poetry and songs, and of drills, exercises and grammatical explanations provided by the instructors. The three areas of concentration: generating, reading and performing the language, will be emphasized alone or in various combinations during individual classes, so that successive classes may look and feel quite different. Latin will be learned, in so far as this is possible in a classroom, as a living language (Latinitas viva!), much the way any other foreign language is learned, not by rote memorization of tables of forms. The experience will culminate in the dramatic production by the students of part of a Roman comedy. By the end of the semester, students should also be able to deal on their own (with the help of a dictionary) with most Latin texts and to hold their own in conversation.

LAT 301 Catullus and Horace

Professor: C. Callanan

CRN: 92451

Distribution: B/D

Time: M W 2:50 pm - 4:10 pm OLIN 302

A reading of a range of texts of the two greatest Roman lyric poets, selected to represent all the different genres in which each wrote. Attention will be paid to meter and the interplay of sound and sense, to the Greek poets they made a point of emulating for a Roman audience, and to the long and rich tradition of translating them into English verse. Readings in English, from an oration of Cicero to a modern historical novel, will be used to fill in details of the turbulent transition from Republic to Principate which is the background of their work.