ANTH 101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

Professor: M. Dominy

CRN: 92352

Distribution: A/C

Time: Tu Th 10:30 am - 12:00 pm OLIN 201

Cross-listed: MES
Adopting a crosscultural, historical and interpretive perspective, we explore the idea that anthropology is an attempt "to understand how human beings understand themselves and see their actions and behavior as in some ways the creations of those understandings." We examine the core of the anthropological approach in our conceptualization of the concept of the cultural as negotiated, dynamic and contested, in our method of ethnographic fieldwork and participant observation, and in our spatial and historical comparativist approach. We begin with the study of small-scale societies as an analytically productive frame for understanding the dynamics of the nation state, processes of environmental transformation, and the global commodification of culture.

ANTH 201E Ethnography: the Multiplicity of Jews

Professor: M. Bick

CRN: 92354

Distribution: A/C

Time: M W 10:30 am - 12:20 pm OLIN 306

Cross-listed: Jewish Studies, MES
This course will explore the many forms of Jewish culture found in the past and in the present. Readings explore the lost or transformed cultures of the Eastern European shtetl, the Sephardic communities of the Moslem world, and the Jews of India and Ethiopia. We will also explore some of the worlds of American, European and Brazilian Jews, as well as the new constructions of Jewishness in the State of Israel--from kibbutz to city. Finally we will explore the phenomenon of Christian communities which converted to Judaism, and historically and critically analyze the myth that Jews form a race.

ANTH 208C History of Anthropology: British Anthropology in Africa from the 1920s to the 1980s

Professor: M. Bick

CRN: 92356

Distribution: A/C

Time: Tu Th 1:20 pm - 2:40 pm OLIN 306

Cross-listed: AADS of related interest: MES
The emergence of modern British anthropology is closely connected to research in Africa. We will study the history of British anthropology largely through an examination of the major Africanist ethnographic and theoretical texts of this school (some produced by African scholars). It is through these texts that much of our understanding of precolonial, colonial and postcolonial Africa has been constructed, especially in the areas of political and social structure and organization, ritual and religion, the urban transformation, and belief systems. Classic studies of the Nuer, Azande, Tallensi, Kikuyu, Nyakusa, Bemba and other cultures will lead us into the descriptive and analytic richness of this school. Later texts will be read which explore issues of resistance to colonialism, and the transformation of cultures which have come with independence.

ANTH 212 Historical Archaeology

Professor: C. Lindner

CRN: 92357

Distribution: C/E

Time: Tu Th 2:50 pm - 4:10 pm OLIN 306

Cross-listed: American Studies, CRES, History
Material remains are useful to complement or challenge historical information. Archaeology can also uncover transformations of the environment that were unintentionally irresponsible or planned to create illustrations of power over nature. We will focus on change in the urban and rural landscapes of the Middle Atlantic states and New England respectively. Colonization and slavery on the Southeastern coast will be examined in forts and plantations.

ANTH 272 Anthropology Through Film

Professor: A. Klima

CRN: 92353

Distribution: A/C

Time: Tu Th 2:50 pm - 4:50 pm OLIN 201

Cross-listed: MES
A study of how anthropological knowledge is created and expressed through moving images, in comparison to textual representation. Ranging from classic ethnographic films to recent innovations that strive to break with convention, we will explore the possibilities of film as knowledge about cultural others but also as indicative document of our own discourses for staging the reality of Nature, Culture, Man, Woman, Self, Other, and the Primitive. Questions of ethnographic authority and the power relations involved in gazing upon the Other will be explored alongside questions of aesthetic values. Recent theories of ethnographic representation, and examples of textual ethnography, old and new, will accompany films. The course may also touch upon the genres of documentary, quasi-ethnographic yarns, photojournalism, surveillance, "Real TV," and film generally. Weekly readings and frequent writing assignments (response papers), sometimes read in class. Prerequisite: one course in Anthropology or moderation in Film.

ANTH 311 The Politics of Cultural Identity

Professor: M. Dominy

CRN: 92358

Distribution: A/C

Time: W 10:30 am - 12:30 pm OLIN 307

Core Course: PIE
Cross-listed: AADS, MES
of related interest: Asian Studies
Spatially and historically comparative perspectives in anthropology (with its focus on the ways in which people construct and manipulate their boundaries of identity and diversity) provide insights into the rise of new nationalisms, localisms, and assertions of indigenous sovereignty. Many theorists are committed to linking interpretive examinations of representation and practice with political economy as they explore the transcultural discourses evoked by colonial and postcolonial encounters. In the Pacific (Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Hawaii) anthropologists have examined these processes in terms of ethnotheories of similarity and difference, the politics and construction of tradition, and engagement in identificatory discourses of custom or rhetorics of tradition as symbolic capital. This upper-college seminar examines these processes of identity formation primarily, but not exclusively, in Quebec and Brittany, Eastern Europe (Germany, Romania and Bulgaria) and South Africa against the Pacific backdrop. We also examine ethnographic case studies of anthropological advocacy and native land claims in order to test Arthur Danto's assertion that "cultural identity is a matter less of ethnographic fact than of political contest--of rhetoric, litigation, lobbying and terrorism." Prerequisite: PIE status or moderated status in anthropology.

ANTH 312 Buddhist Representations in Global Culture

Professor: A. Klima

CRN: 92359

Distribution: A/C

Time: M 3:40 pm - 5:20 pm OLIN 204

Cross-listed: Asian Studies, MES
This course examines Buddhism as a mobile formation between cultures, embodied in such diverse phenomena as Thai forest monks, New Age religion and "Dharma bums," Sri Lankan Protestant Buddhism, and Western meditation centers. In Asia no less than in the West, Buddhism is a product of social-historical production and, perhaps, also of an essential spiritual insight. We will explore the cultural politics of representing Buddhism through emphasis on the tension between trying to understand expressions of Buddhist wisdom and weighing the historical consequences of conflicting ways to portray it, crossing the worlds of Orientalist Euro-America, to Buddhist reformations in modern Asian States, to Thai forests and caves of meditating saints and their foreigner disciples, to "Western Buddhism" and other popular incarnations in global culture.