PHOT 101 Introduction to Photography

Professor: S. Shore

CRN: 91881 Distribution: F

Time: Th 9:30 am ­ 12:30 pm WDS

An introduction to both the techniques and aesthetics of black­and­white photography as a means of self­expression. Systematic instruction in darkroom techniques along with weekly criticism of individual work will provide the student with a solid basic understanding of the use of the camera as an expressive tool. The student must obtain within the first week of classes: 1) a camera (35mm or 2 1/4) with fully adjustable f/ stops and shutter speeds, and 2) a hand­held reflected light exposure meter. No previous experience with photography is required. Admission by portfolio (portfolio photographs do not need to be printed by the student).

PHOT 103 A Basic Photography II

Professor: A. Turyn

CRN: 91882 Distribution: F

Time:M 9:30 am ­ 12:30 pm WDS

PHOT 103 B Basic Photography II

Professor: L. Fink

CRN: 91883 Distribution: F

Time: Tue 1:30 pm ­ 4:30 pm WDS

This course covers the same material as Photography 101 except that it is intended for beginning students who have had some previous experience with photography. Admission is by portfolio.

PHOT 107 Visual Literacy

Professor: L. Fink

CRN: 91884 Distribution: F

Time:M 7:00 pm ­ 8:00 pm WDS

This course is for nonphotography students and requires no darkroom skills. A combination of found and created images fuels the content of the course, which explores visually exciting approaches to social phenomena. The course may benefit students of anthropology, sociology, and psychology by guiding them to stimulating photographic means of discovering realities that enhance their theses. It is also a course for all students who seek a deeper understanding of the nature of organized aesthetics in order to take photographs with greater impact and meaning. Course materials are color slide film, instant images, and pictures found in books, magazines, and other sources. The course will attempt to break through conventional seeing into useful visual revelation. A 35mm camera is required.

PHOT 201 The View Camera

Professor: S. Shore

CRN: 91885 Distribution: F

Time: F 9:30 am ­ 12:30 pm WDS

View cameras were the first cameras and were the primary photographic tool for the first half of photography's history. They offer unexcelled clarity, tonality, and image control. The operation of the view camera and advanced darkroom techniques will be demonstrated in this class. The class will explore the expressive potential of the conscious use of the camera's precise control of the image. Students will be supplied with 4" X 5" camera outfits. Prerequisite: Photo 104, admission by portfolio.

PHOT 203 Color Photography

Professor: A. Turyn

CRN: 91886 Distribution: F

Time: M 1:30 pm ­ 4:30 pm WDS

An introduction to the problem of rethinking photographic picture-making through the medium of color photography. Transparencies, color negative, and type C prints will be the technical areas explored. Interested students must bear in mind the higher costs of color materials. Admission by portfolio

PHOT 220 Documentary Photography

Professor: F. Sheikh

CRN: 91889 Distribution: C/F

Time: W 1:00 pm ­ 4:00 pm WDS

The use of photography to document social conditions has been one of the richest and most problematic applications of the medium. This course will investigate the history and practice of documentary photography, through readings, slide presentations and field work. Providing a background to the studio aspects of the course will be a consideration of the history of documentary photography, from the reformist projects of Jacob Riis and Lewis Hine through the use of documentary in the Farm Security Administration and elsewhere in the 1930's to the work of such contemporary documentarians as Eugene Richards and Mary Ellen Mark. Documentary's roots in anthropology, sociology, politics and journalism will also be considered. In addition, participants in the class will undertake independent documentary projects on a variety of topics in the city of Hudson. They will be expected to bring weekly contributions to classroom discussions and critiques, and to produce a final project of prints and related materials. Prerequisites: at least one course in photography, or equivalent technical skills. Enrollment limited to 12.

PHOT 301 Advanced Photography

Professor: L. Fink

CRN: 91888 Distribution: F

Time: W 9:00 am ­ 12:00 pm WDS

To prepare the student for on-going independent work, this course will emphasize the exploration of visual problems. At the heart of this is asking one's self and one's work good questions, seeing how other photographers and artists in other media have dealt with these questions, and "answering" the questions for one's self through individual projects. Prerequisite: Photography 201 and 203.

PHOT 310 From Human Documents to the Image World: Photography 1950 - 1990

Professor: L. Dahlberg

CRN: 91880 Distribution: A/C

Time: Thu 10:00 am ­ 12:30 pm LC 206

In the decades after World War II photography's social and artistic roles changed in many ways. The 1950's saw the dominance of magazine photography in Life and Look, as well as the birth of the hugely popular exhibition "The Family of Man". But it also witnessed the birth of a more personal photographic culture, exemplified by Robert Frank's book The Americans and the founding of Aperture magazine. In the 1960's and 1970's such photographers as Garry Winogrand, Diane Arbus and Lee Friedlander created a new poetry of contemporary life from moments gathered in streets and homes. The new topographics photographers of the 1970's revived a cooler, more analytic style, while in the following decade artists such as Cindy Sherman, Richard Prince, Laurie Simmons, Sherrie Levine and others appropriated mass-media images to create ironic commentaries on consumer culture. This turbulent period in the history of photography will be the focus of this intensive seminar. The class will be limited to 12 people, with senior and junior photography majors given preference in admission. Participants must have taken Phot History 110. Students will be required to write several short papers throughout the course, and to prepare an in-class presentation on the work of one photographer or a related topic approved by the instructor.