ARTH 101 History of Western Art I

Professor: J. Barringer

CRN: 91746 Distribution: A/C

Time: Tue Th 10:30 am ­ 11:50 am OLIN 102

A survey of Western art (painting, sculpture, and architecture) of the Prehistoric, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Early Christian, Byzantine, Romanesque, and Gothic periods. Emphasis on cultural context, including social, historical, religious, and political developments.

ARTH 222 The Medieval Manuscript: Painting from the Fourth through the Fifteenth Centuries

Professor: J. French

CRN: 91748 Distribution: A/C

Time: W 10:30 am ­ 12:30 pm OLIN 102

Cross-listed: Medieval Studies

A study of Western (and Byzantine) painting through an examination of manuscript illumination, from the late classical tradition of the Vatican Virgil to the courtly elegance of the Tres Riches Heures of the Duke of Berry. The course will conclude with the early printed books of the fifteenth century--popular block books such as the Biblia Pauperum and the Art of Dying--and with the spread of movable type. The primary focus is on the paintings and prints. The course also investigates the format of the book; types of manuscripts and their uses; the roles of scribe, illuminator, and patron; and the effect of changing patronage on artistic production.

ARTH 232 Italian Architecture 1400-1600

Professor: I. Frank

CRN: 92074 Distribution: A/C

Time: F 10:30 am - 12:30 pm OLIN 102

An exploration of architecture, town planning, and architectural theory in Italy during the Renaissance and the Counter-Reformation. The renewal of interest in the antique, the emergence of architectural design as distinct from the building trades, and the effect of political changes and reforms on architecture within the Church are investigated. Emphasis is on the major figures: Brunelleschi, Alberti, Bramante, Antonio da Sangallo, Michelangelo, Giulio Romani, Palladio, and Vignola.

ARTH 261 Realism and Impressionism

Professor: T. Wolf

CRN: 91749 Distribution: A/C

Time: W 1:30 pm ­ 4:00 pm OLIN 102

Cross-listed: French Studies

A survey of artistic developments in Europe during the third quarter of the nineteenth century. The emphasis will be on developments in France, although other countries will be included. Artists studied will include Courbet, Corot, Monet, Pissarro, and others.

ARTH 295 The Arts of India

Professor: P. Karetzky

CRN: 91751 Distribution: A/C

Time: Th 1:30 pm ­ 3:30 pm OLIN 102

Cross-listed: Asian Studies, Classical Studies

The survey of art in India begins with the most ancient urban civilization dating to the prehistoric period. The flowering and development of Indian philosophical and religious thought is traced through its expression in the arts. The course considers Indian arts' unique exploitation of the sensuous as a metaphor for divinity, as represented in the pictorial arts. Attention is directed to the evolution of an iconic tradition and the development of religious architectural forms and narrative painting and sculpture. Many of the achievements of Indian art have had an enormous impact in the Far East and the West. On-site photographs and slides and a class trip supplement the required readings.

ARTH 330 Seminar in Italian Renaissance Sculpture

Professor: J. French

CRN: 91745 Distribution: A/C

Time:M 3:40 pm ­ 5:40 pm OLIN 301

Cross-listed: Italian Studies

A study of the major sculptors of the Italian Renaissance, with particular emphasis on the works of Ghiberti, Donatello, Jacopo della Quercia, and Michelangelo. The course concludes with Bernini and the art of the Baroque. Discussion will focus on the resurgence of monumental figural sculpture in the round, materials and techniques, the changing social status of the artist, and on the ideas and ambitions that inspired and motivated the sculptors and their patrons.

ARTH 340 Seminar in Neo­Classicism

Professor: J. Barringer

CRN: 91747 Distribution: A/C

Time: Tue 1:20 pm ­ 3:20 pm OLIN 301

of related interest: German Studies

The re-discovery of the Classical past and intellectual, political and social events combined to produce a new artistic language at the end of the eighteenth century, which was a response to the exuberance of the Baroque and the frivolity of the Rococo: Neo-Classicism. This course will explore the origins and development of Neo-Classicism and its expression in European and American painting, sculpture, and architecture, including the works of David, Stuart, Soufflot, Adam, Vignon, Canova, Thorvaldsen, Kauffmann, Jefferson, Greenough, Alma-Tadema, Wedgwood, Banks, Houdon, and Schinkel. Special emphasis will be given to political, social, and religious context; exploration and impressions of the Greek and Roman worlds, including Pompeii and Herculaneum; the Egyptianizing fashion; the influence of Edward Gibbon, Johann Winckelmann, and Andrea Palladio; the deployment of art for political purposes; the moralizing uses of art; and patronage. Pablo Picasso was one of the greatest and most productive artists of our time. He played a vital and often definitive role in major art movements spanning our century, from Symbolism through Cubism and Surrealism. This course examines in detail his artistic evolution, from the precocious works of his childhood through the personal images of his old age. Students give short oral reports on major works that document different phases of Picasso's career and write papers on broader issues concerning his life and art.

ARTH 361 Seminar: Picasso

Professor: T. Wolf

CRN: 91750 Distribution: A/C

Time: Th 10:30 am ­ 12:30 pm OLIN 301