SST 135  Palestine: Society & Politics

Mustafa Abu-Sway

M . W . .

10:10 – 11:30 am

RKC 100


This course studies the development of the Palestinian national movement and subsequent emergence of major Palestinian “political” groups and the relationship between them. It will primarily focus on Fatah’s and Hamas’ positions vis-ŕ-vis Israel before and after the Oslo Accords and their visions for the future Palestinian State. It will analyze the Palestinian elections in 2006 and the subsequent events leading to the split between the Gaza Strip (where Hamas rules), and the West Bank (where the PA/Fatah rules), including the role of regional powers and players (Israel, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Qatar) and international powers (USA, Russia and the EU). Smaller groups, such as the PFLP, Islamic Jihad, Hizb ut-Tahrir and other “third party” groups will also be discussed.



SST 255   Exile: Internal & External

Stephanie Saldana

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8:00 – 10:20 am

HDR 302


Cross-listed: Human Rights This course, which will unite students from Bard College and Al-Quds University through video-conference technology, will explore a number of themes related the many forms of exile, both internal, within our societies and within ourselves, and external, imposed by physical dislocation as a result of factors, such as politics, wars, ethnic and religious strife, and economic pressures. Through a careful reading of key writers of the 20th century, it will also explore the challenge of forging an identity in a globalized world, the enduring conflict between generations, and the relationship between language and personal identity. Central will be the search to find a home in language. We will read poetry, short fiction, novels, and critical essays from Germany, Poland, India, Sudan, Iraq, and particularly Palestine and Israel. Readings will include Kafka, Lahiri, Said, Rushdie, Salih, Habiby, al-Bayati, Milosz, Darwish, and others. These seminal works will serve as a catalyst for discussions between two sets of students about exile as a unique and collective experience, the personal, physical, and literary search for a homeland, and the unique role of the outsider as witness and critic. The class will meet weekly and be connected via video conference to a class of students at the Bard-Al Quds Honors College. Class size: 15