MODERATING STUDENTS – Spring 2003 DUE DATE FOR PAPERS: Friday March 28th in the Office of the Registrar


Students are expected to prepare two general papers, each about two or three typewritten pages in length, covering the following information:

This should include a description of the work that has been most interesting to you and why; an estimate of the strong and relatively weak points in your preparation; what your original objectives were when you entered college and what they are at present.

This should include a description of your plans for Upper College work and how these plans are related to your declared objectives; an indication of subjects and special topics which you would like to investigate during the remainder of your college course; any plans you have for January intersession, or Summer; an indication of the work you would like to undertake for a Senior Project; any information or problem that you wish to bring before the Faculty of your Division.

ONE (1) copy of each of these papers is to be presented to the Registrar’s Office not later than the above date, and THREE (3) additional copies must be submitted on the same day to the members of your Moderation Board, personally or through Campus Mail.

The Faculty regards these papers as important evidence in determining whether you are qualified to undertake the work of the Upper College. They also serve as a basis for questions, which may be raised by the members of your Moderation Board.

Failure to submit these papers, or any special papers and materials required by your Division on the due date without the permission of the Executive Committee will leave a student subject to failure of Moderation. Copies of special papers or materials required by your Division are NOT required by the Registrar’s Office.


One seminar paper, which you and your adviser consider representative of your best work, should be submitted to each member of your Moderation Board with the general papers.

Students should consult with their advisers or departmental chairpersons about special requirements.