CMSC 117 Introduction to Computing:Interactive Systems

Keith O'Hara



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1:30 -2:50 pm

1:30 -3:30 pm

1:30 -3:30 pm

RKC 103

RKC 100

RKC 100


Cross-listed: Experimental Humanities This course introduces students to computing through the construction of interactive computing systems, exploring the interface between the physical and virtual worlds. Students will explore creative computation through programming projects involving 2D and 3D graphics, animation, interactivity, and the visualization of data. No prior knowledge of computer programming is required. Prerequisite: passing score on part 1 of the Mathematics Diagnostics.

Class size: 25



CMSC/ PSY 131 Foundations of Mind,

Brain & Behavior

Barbara Luka


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8:30 -9:50 am

8:30 - 10:25 am

RKC 101

RKC 107


Cross-listed: Mind, Brain & Behavior, Philosophy, Psychology If an android can be programmed to behave just like me, does the android have a mind just like mine? If my dog has a big brain (and she does), how is her way of being conscious different from my conscious awareness? Will my clone, with a brain just like mine, behave just like me? (Will my clone's brain really be just like mine?) If "the mind" simply "what the brain does", can my mind be active while my brain is asleep or comatose? What about unconscious processes? This course provides a variety of empirical approaches to the study of mind, brain, and behavior, and together we will test answers to questions like these--questions that can only be addressed using the multidisciplinary methods of Cognitive Science. Rather than attempting a broad survey of an impossibly large field, we will delve deeply into a few topics. Special attention will be given to perception, human learning, robotics, language, neural networks, how gene expression influences behavior, the representation of knowledge, and philosophy of mind. Course work and readings emphasize analytic approaches, including practice in formulating questions that lead to testable hypotheses. Laboratories will provide hands-on experience, emphasizing data collection and data analysis. Pre-requisites: pre-calculus or its equivalent. Class size: 20



CMSC 143 Object-Oriented Programming with Robots

Sven Anderson

Lab A:

Or Lab B:

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1:30 -2:50 pm

10:30 -12:30 pm

1:30 3:30 pm

RKC 103

RKC 107

RKC 107


Cross-listed: Mind, Brain & Behavior This course introduces students with prior programming experience to object-oriented design and programming through the design and implementation of mobile robot programs. The programs will enable the robot to move around the world, reacting to sensors such as obstacle detectors and a color camera.  Students will learn how to move from an informal problem statement, through increasingly precise problem specifications, to design and implementation of a solution.  Good programming habits will be emphasized. Purchase of a small personal robot (to be specified by the instructor) is recommended. Prerequisite: any Introduction to Computing course, or permission of the instructor. Class size: 22



CMSC 201 Data Structures

Rebecca Thomas

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10:10 - 11:30 am

10:30 - 12:30 pm

RKC 100

RKC 100


This course introduces students to essential principles of program design and analysis that underlie applications of computation to internet communication, digital media, and artificial intelligence.  Building on basic programming skills, we will focus on the construction of more sophisticated and reliable computer programs that employ the most important data structures.  Data structures, common ways in which data is organized and manipulated, are an important aspect of modern programs.  Consequently, throughout the course students will learn to create and use the most useful data structures, including files, lists, stacks, trees, and graphs. Students will write several programs, ranging from short lab assignments to larger systems of their own design. Prerequisite: CMSC 141, 143, or permission of instructor. Class size: 22



CMSC 340 3D Character Design and Animation

William Joel

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10:00 12:40 pm

RKC 107


The process of designing and animating 3D characters begins with traditional 2D animation and then, through the use of software, moves firmly into three-space. During this course, students will first be introduced to animation fundamentals, both conceptually and algorithmically. Next, students will explore how various software implementations can allow for the creation of 3D characters. Finally, each student will explore a specific aspect of 3D character computer animation, and how it relates to their major, resulting in a formal presentation of their findings. Class size: 15



CMSC 360 Intelligent Robotics

and Perception

Keith O'Hara

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1:30 - 4:30 pm

RKC 107


This course provides an overview of topics in computational perception, machine learning, and robotics.  Students will learn the underlying principles and methods of intelligent robotic systems, including techniques from sensor processing, robot software architecture, and supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning.  Throughout the semester, students will collaborate as a team to build an intelligent robotic system of their choice. Prerequisite: Computer Science 201 or permission of the instructor. Class size: 15