LIT 100   Written Arts 100

Celia Bland

. . W . F

12:00 -1:20 pm

OLIN 310


This course is open to first-year students only.



LIT 121   First Fiction Workshop

Edie Meidav

. T . Th .

11:00 – 12:20 pm

OLIN 305


This course involves both intensive reading and writing of the short  story, and is intended only for first-year students who have made  prior forays in the writing of narrative. This course is open to first-year students only.



LIT 121   First Fiction Workshop

Emily Barton Hopkins

. . W . F

12:00 -1:20 pm

OLIN 303


This course introduces students to the elements of writing fiction. At the beginning of the semester, class will focus on critical discussion of published short stories from a wide variety of sources, on completion of structured exercises related to the reading, and on daily unstructured writing exercises. Later in the semester, we will focus on analysis of one another’s work, with an emphasis on encouraging each other to revise appropriately, to improve the quality of the work, and to stretch the imagination. Students should be prepared to approach other writers’ work--both that of their colleagues and that of published authors--with the same curiosity and care with which they approach their own; they should also plan to work diligently on writing and revising their prose fiction during the term. This course is open to first-year students only.



LIT 122   Creative Nonfiction Workshop

Susan Rogers

. T . Th .

2:30 -3:50 pm



This course is for students who want to write “creative” essays. Creative nonfiction is a flexible genre that includes memoir, the personal essay, collaged writings, portraits and more.  They can range from lyrical to analytical, meditative to whimsical. We will read a range of works and then offer up our own creative experiments. In particular we will pay attention to the relationship between language and ideas. Weekly writings and readings. No prior experience with creative nonfiction is needed. Portfolios should contain works that show imagination or a love of language or simply a desire to focus on ideas and words.



LIT 123   First Poetry Workshop

Michael Ives

M . W . .

3:00 -4:20 pm

OLIN 303


This workshop is for students who strongly desire to experiment with making their own writing a means of learning, both about literature and poetry, and about the discipline of making works of art. Stress is on growth: in the student's own work, and in the individual’s awareness of what sorts of activities, rhythms, and tellings are possible in poetry, and how poets go about learning from their own work. The central work of the course is the student's own writing, along with the articulation, both private and shared, of response to it. Readings will be undertaken in contemporary and traditional poets, according to the needs of the group, toward the development of familiarity with poetic form, poetic movement, and poetic energy. Attendance at various evening poetry readings and lectures is required. This course is open to first-year students only. 



LIT 2207   Reading as Writing as Reading:

Exploring the Contemporary

Ann Lauterbach

. T . Th .

1:00 -2:20 pm

OLIN 310


We will read a variety of poets working today, asking the questions: what kinds of forms are necessary to address the changing present, and how do contemporary poets draw on ideas and methods in disciplines other than poetics? Our core texts will be Conjunctions: 35 American Poetry and the recently published American Hybrid: A Norton Anthology of New Poetry.  In the second of the two weekly classes, students will write poems and prose responses in relation to our readings.



LIT 221   Writers Workshop:Prose Fiction

Peter Sourian

. T . . .

10:30 - 12:50 pm

ASP 302


Practice in imaginative writing. Students will present their own work for group response, analysis, and evaluation. Also reading of selected writers. Permission of the instructor is required. Candidates must submit samples of their work, by noon Wednesday, April 22nd,  with cover letter, to Professor Sourian, via campus mail.  A list of accepted students will be posted, and students notified via email by Wed. April 29th.



LIT 322   Advanced Poetry Workshop

Robert Kelly

. . W . F

12:00 - 1:20 pm

OLIN 101


Students present their own work to the group for analysis and response.  Suggested readings in contemporary poets. Optional writing assignments are given for those poets who may find this useful. The course is open to sophomores, juniors and seniors. Registration for this course was completed in May.



LIT 324   Advanced Fiction Workshop

Mary Caponegro

. T . . .

1:30 -3:50 pm

OLIN 303


A workshop in the creation of short stories, traditional or experimental, for experienced writers. Students will be expected to write several polished stories, critique each other's work, and analyze the fiction of published authors. Registration for this course was completed in May.