LAT 101   Elementary Latin I

James Romm

M T W Th .

9:20 - 10:20 am

OLIN 310


The first semester of a yearlong introduction to Classical Latin. Our goals are: (1) to gain familiarity with morphology, syntax, and essential vocabulary; (2) to achieve sufficient fluency for selected  short readings from ancient authors in both prose and poetry; and (3)  to begin exploring the conventions of Latin literature and the  contexts, both cultural and historical, of ancient Rome. By the middle of the second semester, we will have reached a reading level adequate to begin study of a literary and/or historical text.  No prerequisites.   



LAT 201   Intermediate Latin

William Mullen

M   W    .

12:000 - 1:20 pm

OLIN 302


Lucretius’ long poem is one of the fullest surviving accounts of Epicurean philosophy and, equally, a work of astonishing artistic achievement. We read substantial portions of the poem in Latin, the entire poem in English, and modern scholarly works. Our goals are: (1) to solidify knowledge of vocabulary, morphology, and syntax; (2) to gain greater fluency in reading Latin, especially Latin poetry; and  (3) to consider from a variety of critical perspectives issues raised by the poem’s form and content.  Open to first-year students with the requisite basis in high school Latin.



LAT 301   Advanced Latin: Lucretius

William Mullen

M   W    .

12:000 - 1:20 pm

OLIN 302


See description above.  Students in 301 are responsible for additional work in the Latin and in criticism. Prerequisite: successful completion of Latin 202, or permission of instructor.